Exam Dates

Exam Date Time Location
Exam 1: Feb 28 Wednesday 8:00PM - 10:00PM Section 1,4,13& 16 Edwards 235
Section 7 & 10 Edwards 305
Exam 2: Apr 10 Wednesday 8:00PM - 10:00PM TBA
Final Exam TBA TBA TBA

This course has two midterms, a lab final exam, and a Final Exam

If you are unable to attend an exam due to illness or another valid reason, you must notify your instructor prior to the exam to make arrangements for making up the exam if at all possible. If you are unable to reach your instructor personally, email your instructor or leave a message in the IT office (Old Union 202) and/or on your instructor's voice mail. No makeup examination will be administered without the instructor's notification and validation of the excuse before the exam date. Make arrangements now to attend the final exam.

There will also be a lab final exam during your usual lab time in the final week of class. This exam cannot be made up , so make sure you will be there. This will be your opportunity to demonstrate your ability to write Java programs to solve fairly simple problems without help. To prepare for this exam and check your progress, you will take several programming quizzes in lab throughout the semester.