Mary Elaine Califf: List of Publications

Papers and Abstracts

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  1. Bottom-Up Relational Learning of Pattern Matching Rules for Information Extraction
    Mary Elaine Califf and Raymond J. Mooney
    Journal of Machine Learning Research, 4, (2003), pp. 177-210.

    Information Extraction is a form of shallow text processing that locates a specified set of relevant items in a natural-language document. Systems for this task require significant domain-specific knowledge and are time-consuming and difficult to build by hand, making them a good application for machine learning. We present a aystem, RAPIER, that uses pairs of sample documents and filled templates to induce pattern-match rules that directly extract fillers for the slots in the template. RAPIER employs a bottom-up learning algorithm which incorporates techniques from several inductive logic programming systems and acquires unbounded patterns that include constraints on the words, part-of-speech tags, and semantic classes present in the filler and the surrounding text. We present encouraging experimental results on two domains.

  2. Efficient and Effective Induction of First Order Decision Lists
    Mary Elaine Califf
    Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming (ICML-99) , Sydney, Australia, July, 2002.

    We present BUFOIDL, a new bottom-up algorithm for learning first order deicsion lists. Although first order decision lists have potential as a representation for learning concepts that include exceptions, such as language constructs, previous systems suffered from limitations that we see to overcome in BUFOIDL. We present experiments comparing BUFOIDL to previous work in the area, demonstrating the system's potential.

  3. Testing Skills and Knowledge: Introducing a Laboratory Exam in CS1
    Mary Elaine Califf and Mary Goodwin
    Proceedings of the 33rd SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, Covington, KY, pp. 217-221, March, 2003.

    Need to add abstract here

  4. Improving Learning by Choosing Examples Intelligently in Two Natural Language Tasks
    Cynthia A Thompson and Mary Elaine Califf
    Learning Language in Logic, J. Cussens and S. Džeroski (Eds, pp. 279-299, Springer, Berlin, 2000.

    Need to add abstract here

  5. Active Learning for Natural Language Parsing and Information Extraction
    Cynthia A. Thompson, Mary Elaine Califf, and Raymond J. Mooney
    Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Machine Learning Conference (ICML-99) , Bled, Slovenia, pp. 406-414, June 1999.
    Nominated for Best Paper

    In natural language acquisition, it is difficult to gather the annotated data needed for supervised learning; however, unannotated data is fairly plentiful. Active learning methods attempt to select for annotation and training only the most informative examples, and therefore are potentially very useful in natural language applications. However, existing results for active learning have only considered standard classification tasks. To reduce annotation effort while maintaining accuracy, we apply active learning to two non-classification tasks in natural language processing: semantic parsing and information extraction. We show that active learning can significantly reduce the number of annotated examples required to achieve a given level of performance for these complex tasks.

  6. Relational Learning of Pattern-Match Rules for Information Extraction
    Mary Elaine Califf and Raymond J. Mooney
    Proceedings of the Sixteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-99), Orlando, FL, pp. 328-334, July, 1999.

    Information extraction is a form of shallow text processing that locates a specified set of relevant items in a natural-language document. Systems for this task require significant domain-specific knowledge and are time-consuming and difficult to build by hand, making them a good application for machine learning. This paper presents a system, Rapier, that takes pairs of sample documents and filled templates and induces pattern-match rules that directly extract fillers for the slots in the template. Rapier employs a bottom-up learning algorithm which incorporates techniques from several inductive logic programming systems and acquires unbounded patterns that include constraints on the words, part-of-speech tags, and semantic classes present in the filler and the surrounding text. We present encouraging experimental results on two domains.

  7. Relational Learning Techniques for Natural Language Information Extraction
    Mary Elaine Califf
    Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Computer Sciences, University of Texas at Austin, August 1998.
    132 pages.
    Also appears as Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Technical Report AI98-276.

    The recent growth of online information available in the form of natural language documents creates a greater need for computing systems with the ability to process those documents to simplify access to the information. One type of processing appropriate for many tasks is information extraction, a type of text skimming that retrieves specific types of information from text. Although information extraction systems have existed for two decades, these systems have generally been built by hand and contain domain specific information, making them difficult to port to other domains. A few researchers have begun to apply machine learning to information extraction tasks, but most of this work has involved applying learning to pieces of a much larger system. This dissertation presents a novel rule representation specific to natural language and a relational learning system, Rapier, which learns information extraction rules. Rapier takes pairs of documents and filled templates indicating the information to be extracted and learns pattern-matching rules to extract fillers for the slots in the template. The system is tested on several domains, showing its ability to learn rules for different tasks. Rapier's performance is compared to a propositional learning system for information extraction, demonstrating the superiority of relational learning for some information extraction tasks. Because one difficulty in using machine learning to develop natural language processing systems is the necessity of providing annotated examples to supervised learning systems, this dissertation also describes an attempt to reduce the number of examples Rapier requires by employing a form of active learning. Experimental results show that the number of examples required to achieve a given level of performance can be significantly reduced by this method.

  8. An Experimental Comparison of Genetic Programming and Inductive Logic Programming on Learning Recursive List Functions
    Lappoon R. Tang, Mary Elaine Califf, Raymond J. Mooney
    TR AI98-271, Artificial Intelligence Lab, University of Texas at Austin, May 1998.

    This paper experimentally compares three approaches to program induction: inductive logic programming (ILP), genetic programming (GP), and genetic logic programming (GLP) (a variant of GP for inducing Prolog programs). Each of these methods was used to induce four simple, recursive, list-manipulation functions. The results indicate that ILP is the most likely to induce a correct program from small sets of random examples, while GP is generally less accurate. GLP performs the worst, and is rarely able to induce a correct program. Interpretations of these results in terms of differences in search methods and inductive biases are presented.

  9. Advantages of Decision Lists and Implicit Negatives in Inductive Logic Programming
    Mary Elaine Califf and Raymond J. Mooney
    New Generation Computing, 16, 3, p. 263-281 (1998).

    This paper demonstrates the capabilities of FOIDL, an inductive logic programming (ILP) system whose distinguishing characteristics are the ability to produce first-order decision lists, the use of an output completeness assumption as a substitute for negative examples, and the use of intensional background knowledge. The development of FOIDL was originally motivated by the problem of learning to generate the past tense of English verbs; however, this paper demonstrates its superior performance on two different sets of benchmark ILP problems. Tests on the finite element mesh design problem show that FOIDL's decision lists enable it to produce generally more accurate results than a range of methods previously applied to this problem. Tests with a selection of list-processing problems from Bratko's introductory Prolog text demonstrate that the combination of implicit negatives and intensionality allow FOIDL to learn correct programs from far fewer examples than FOIL.

  10. Relational Learning of Pattern-Match Rules for Information Extraction
    Mary Elaine Califf and Raymond J. Mooney
    Proceedings of AAAI Spring Symposium on Applying Machine Learning to Discourse Processing, Standford, CA, March, 1998.

    Information extraction is a form of shallow text processing which locates a specified set of relevant items in natural language documents. Such systems can be useful, but require domain-specific knowledge and rules, and are time-consuming and difficult to build by hand, making infomation extraction a good testbed for the application of machine learning techniques to natural language processing. This paper presents a system, RAPIER, that takes pairs of documents and filled templates and induces pattern-match rules that directly extract fillers for the slots in the template. The learning algorithm incorporates techniques from several inductive logic programming systems and learns unbounded patterns that include constraints on the words and part-of-speech tags surrounding the filler. Encouraging results are presented on learning to extract information from computer job postings from the newsgroup

  11. Relational Learning Techniques for Natural Language Information Extraction
    Mary Elaine Califf
    Ph.D. proposal, Department of Computer Sciences, University of Texas at Austin, 1997.

    The recent growth of online information available in the form of natural language documents creates a greater need for computing systems with the ability to process those documents to simplify access to the information. One type of processing appropriate for many tasks is information extraction, a type of text skimming that retrieves specific types of information from text. Although information extraction systems have existed for two decades, these systems have generally been built by hand and contain domain specific information, making them difficult to port to other domains. A few researchers have begun to apply machine learning to information extraction tasks, but most of this work has involved applying learning to pieces of a much larger system. This paper presents a novel rule representation specific to natural language and a learning system, RAPIER, which learns information extraction rules. RAPIER takes pairs of documents and filled templates indicating the information to be extracted and learns patterns to extract fillers for the slots in the template. This proposal presents initial results on a small corpus of computer-related job postings with a preliminary version of RAPIER. Future research will involve several enhancements to RAPIER as well as more thorough testing on several domains and extension to additional natural language processing tasks. We intend to extend the rule representation and algorithm to allow for more types of constraints than are currently supported. We also plan to incorporate active learning, or sample selection, methods, specifically query by committee, into RAPIER. These methods have the potential to substantially reduce the amount of annotation required. We will explore the issue of distinguishing relevant and irrelevant messages, since currently RAPIER only extracts from the any messages given to it, assuming that all are relevant. We also intend to run much larger tests with RAPIER on multiple domains including the terrorism domain from the third and fourth Message Uncderstanding Conferences, which will allow comparison against other systems. Finally, we plan to demonstrate the generality of RAPIER`s representation and algorithm by applying it to other natural language processing tasks such as word sense disambiguation.

  12. Relational Learning of Pattern-Match Rules for Information Extraction
    Mary Elaine Califf and Raymond J. Mooney
    Proceedings of the ACL Workshop on Natural Language Learning, pp. 9-15, Madrid, Spain, July, 1997

    Information extraction systems process natural language documents and locate a specific set of relevant items. Given the recent success of empirical or corpus-based approaches in other areas of natural language processing, machine learning has the potential to significantly aid the development of these knowledge-intensive systems. This paper presents a system, RAPIER, that takes pairs of documents and filled templates and induces pattern-match rules that directly extract fillers for the slots in the template. The learning algorithm incorporates techniques from several inductive logic programming systems and learns unbounded patterns that include constraints on the words and part-of-speech tags surrounding the filler. Encouraging results are presented on learning to extract information from computer job postings from the newsgroup

  13. Applying ILP-based Techniques to Natural Language Information Extraction: An Experiment in Relational Learning
    Mary Elaine Califf and Raymond J. Mooney
    Workshop Notes of the IJCAI-97 Workshop on Frontiers of Inductive Logic Programming, pp. 7-11, Nagoya, Japan, August, 1997.

    Information extraction systems process natural language documents and locate a specific set of relevant items. Given the recent success of empirical or corpus-based approaches in other areas of natural language processing, machine learning has the potential to significantly aid the development of these knowledge-intensive systems. This paper presents a system, RAPIER, that takes pairs of documents and filled templates and induces pattern-match rules that directly extract fillers for the slots in the template. The learning algorithm incorporates techniques from several inductive logic programming systems and learns unbounded patterns that include constraints on the words and part-of-speech tags surrounding the filler. Encouraging results are presented on learning to extract information from computer job postings from the newsgroup

  14. Advantages of Decision Lists and Implicit Negative in Inductive Logic Programming
    Mary Elaine Califf and Raymond J. Mooney
    Technical Report, Artificial Intelligence Lab, University of Texas at Austin, 1996.

    This paper demonstrates the capabilities of FOIDL, an inductive logic programming (ILP) system whose distinguishing characteristics are the ability to produce first-order decision lists, the use of an output completeness assumption to provide implicit negative examples, and the use of intensional background knowledge. The development of FOIDL was originally motivated by the problem of learning to generate the past tense of English verbs; however, this paper demonstrates its superior performance on two different sets of benchmark ILP problems. Tests on the finite element mesh design problem show that FOIDL's decision lists enable it to produce better results than all other ILP systems whose results on this problem have been reported. Tests with a selection of list-processing problems from Bratko's introductory Prolog text demonstrate t hat the combination of implicit negatives and intensionality allow FOIDL to learn correct programs from far fewer examples than FOIL.

  15. Learning the Past Tense of English Verbs Using Inductive Logic Programming
    Raymond J. Mooney and Mary Elaine Califf
    Symbolic, Connectionist, and Statistical Approaches to Learning for Natural Language Processing, S. Wermter, E. Riloff and G. Scheler, Eds, Spring Verlag, 1996.

    This paper presents results on using a new inductive logic programming method called FOIDL to learn the past tense of English verbs. The past tense task has been widely studied in the context of the symbolic/connectionist debate. Previous papers have presented results using various neural-network and decision-tree learning methods. We have developed a technique for learning a special type of Prolog program called a first-order decision list, defined as an ordered list of clauses each ending in a cut. FOIDL is based on FOIL (Quinlan, 1990) but employs intensional background knowledge and avoids the need for explicit negative examples. It is particularly useful for problems that involve rules with specific exceptions, such as the past-tense task. We present results showing that FOIDL learns a more accurate past-tense generator from significantly fewer examples than all other previous methods.

  16. Inducing Logic Programs without Explicit Negative Examples
    John M. Zelle, Cynthia A. Thompson, Mary Elaine Califf, and Raymond J. Mooney
    Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Inductive Logic Programming, Leuven, Belguim, Sepetember 1995.

    This paper presents a method for learning logic programs without explicit negative examples by exploiting an assumption of output completeness. A mode declaration is supplied for the target predicate and each training input is assumed to be accompanied by all of its legal outputs. Any other outputs generated by an incomplete program implicitly represent negative examples; however, large numbers of ground negative examples never need to be generated. This method has been incorporated into two ILP systems, CHILLIN and IFOIL, both of which use intensional background knowledge. Tests on two natural language acquisition tasks, case-role mapping and past-tense learning, illustrate the advantages of the approach.

  17. Induction of First-Order Decision Lists: Results on Learning the Past Tense of English Verbs
    Raymond J. Mooney and Mary Elaine Califf
    Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 3 (1995) pp. 1-24.

    This paper presents a method for inducing logic programs from examples that learns a new class of concepts called first-order decision lists, defined as ordered lists of clauses each ending in a cut. The method, called FOIDL, is based on FOIL but employs intensional background knowledge and avoids the need for explicit negative examples. It is particularly useful for problems that involve rules with specific exceptions, such as learning the past-tense of English verbs, a task widely studied in the context of the symbolic/connectionist debate. FOIDL is able to learn concise, accurate programs for this problem from significantly fewer examples than previous methods (both connectionist and symbolic).