25th International Conferences on Conceptual Modeling (ER 2006)

November 6-9, 2006, Tucson, Arizona, USA

1st International Workshop on Semantic Web Applications: Theory and Practice (SemWAT 2006)

[ CFP | Submission Procedures | Due Dates | Accepted Papers | Program Organizers | Program Committee ]

ER 2006 Workshop Homepage


Emergence of World Wide Web made massive amounts of data available. Data exists in many scattered electronic data sources (e-sources) over the Web. Even though some of the data is in well-organized data sources, when it needs to be ntegrated with or be interoperable with data from other sources, semantic coordination and conflict resolution are required.

The Semantic Web has been proposed as the next generation of the existing web. Semantic Web enabled applications can potentially produce better results for semantic integration, interoperability and search. Ontologies have been utilized for interoperability among various data sources. The role of ontology is one of the central points in the Semantic Web enabled applications. Semantics in ontologies and conceptual modelling play central roles to achieve interoperability among semantic web applications.

The focus of this workshop is to present research concerning issues such as: 1) learning/constructing ontologies and conceptual modelling for Semantic Web-enabled e-sources and applications; 2) utilizing ontologies and conceptual modelling for data management, integration and interoperability in Semantic web applications; and 3) arccitectures, models, nd languages for achieving Semantic Web goals.

Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit theoretical, technical and practical research contributions regarding the methodology and techniques to build the Semantic Web and utilize the Semantic Web techniques. We are particularly interested in the e-business, medical informatics and bioinformatics domains.

Topics include, but are not limited to: The volume will be published by Springer as part of its LNCS series.


Authors are invited to submit original papers via email to Hyoil Han (hyoil.han@ischool.drexel.edu) as a PDF file.
Since the workshop papers will be published by Springer-Verlag in the LNCS series, authors must submit manuscripts using the LNCS style. See www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html for style files and details. The suggested number of pages is 10. Manuscripts not submitted in the LNCS style will not be reviewed and thus automatically rejected. (The final camera-ready version must not exceed 10 pages.)


        April 3, 2006        Paper abstracts
        April 10, 2006 Full papers
        June 14, 2006 Notification
        July 12, 2006 Camera Ready Papers


  1. Combining Declarative and Procedural Knowledge to Automate and Represent Ontology Mapping,    Li Xu, David W. Embley, and Yihong Ding. [slides].
  2. Visual Ontology Alignment for Semantic Web Applications,    Jennifer Sampson and Monika Lanzenberger. [slides].
  3. Automatic Creation of Web Services from Extraction Ontologies,    Cui Tao, Yihong Ding, and Deryle Lonsdale. [slides].
  4. An Architecture for Emergent Semantics,    Sven Herschel, Ralf Heese, and Jens Bleiholder. [slides].
  5. Semantic Web Techniques for Personalization of eGovernment Services,    Fabio Grandi, Federica Mandreoli, Riccardo Martoglia, Enrico Ronchetti, Maria Rita Scalas, and Paolo Tiberio. [slides].
  6. Query Graph Model for SPARQL,    Ralf Heese. [slides].


        Hyoil Han (hhan AT ischool.drexel.edu)      Drexel University, USA
        Ramez Elmasri (elmasri AT cse.uta.edu) The University of Texas at Arlington, USA


Last name First/Middle
Achananuparp Palakorn Drexel University, USA
An Yuan University of Toronto, Canada
Basili Roberto  University of Roma, Italy
Buitelaar Paul German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI GmbH), Germany
Ermolayev Vadim  Zaporozhye National University, Ukraine
Gandon Fabien INRIA, France
Gangemi Aldo Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies, The National Research Council, Italy
Garcia-Castro Raul Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain
Ghita-Costache Stefania L3S Research Center, Germany
Haase Peter  Institute AIFB, University of Karlsruhe, Germany
Hatano Kenji Doshisha University, Japan
Heymans Stijn  Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Jonyer Istvan Oklahoma State University, USA
Kaufmann Esther University of Zurich, Switzerland
Kiefer Christoph University of Zurich, Switzerland
Kim Beomjin Indiana University ?Purdue University Fort Wayne, USA
Lim SeungJin Utah State University, USA
Mika Peter  Vrije Universiteit, The Netherlands
Miyazaki Jun Nara Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
Mobasher Bamshad DePaul University, USA
Nasraoui Olfa University of Louisville, USA
Oh JungHwan University of Texas at Arlington, USA
Park Byung-Kwon Donga University, Korea
Qi Xiaojun Utah State University, USA
Reeve Lawrence Drexel University, USA
Sure York Institute AIFB, University of Karlsruhe, Germany
Thuraisingham Bhavani University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Van Nieuwenborgh Davy  Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Yatskevich Mikalai University of Trento, Italy

For further information on this Workshop, please contact hhan AT ischool.drexel.edu

Program Commiittee