Special Track

Intelligent Analysis of Text and Multimedia Data

The submission deadline for Summary is extended.
(the very final strict deadline: February 9, 11:59pm Mountain time).


The special track “Intelligent Analysis of Text and Multimedia Data” focuses on the topics related to analyzing biomedical data and literature for life sciences. The biomedical data can be in various forms, such as multimedia data and text. The topics of the track include research issues related to analyzing and retrieving such data.

The emergence of the World Wide Web (WWW) and various hardware advances made massive amounts of data available through electronic data sources (e-sources) and made it possible to share that data through the WWW. Among other varieties, scientific and legacy data, multimedia data or free text from the life science are available through many e-sources. The amount of data on these e-sources makes manual processing impossible. Traditionally, accurate work with meaningful output required high-quality data that could only be acquired through a lot of manual work. The amount of data on the Web and e-sources, however, is beyond the ability of humans to access and organize in a timely manner. That data, however, still requires intelligent analysis.

Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit papers on the theoretical, technical and practical issues of intelligently analyzing text or multimedia data for life science applications.

Topics include, but are not limited to: Unlike workshops, where position papers and reports on initial and intended work are appropriate, papers selected for a special track should report on significant unpublished work suitable for publication as a conference paper.

Papers for special tracks which were not accepted by the corresponding Program Committee can be considered for publication as regular submissions by the General Program Committee of CBMS 2006. All accepted papers will be published in the IEEE CBMS 2006 Proceedings by the IEEE Computer Society Press.


Authors should indicate the special track title in their submissions. All submissions will be done electronically via the CBMS web submission system, which will be open approximately one month before the deadline. The article review is double blind and as such personally identifying information is discouraged. Author name and address should be withheld from the article text for review purposes.

Please refer to the general webpage of CBMS 2006 for submission guidelines: The format of IEEE CBMS 2006 proceedings will be the IEEE Computer Science Press 8.5x11-inch format. Submission is encouraged in this format.
For more details please see the website of IEEE CBMS 2006: (


        Feb. 9, 2006        Submission of a 3-page* paper summary
                (Summary submission deadline is extended.)
                (the very final strict deadline: February 9, 11:59pm Mountain time.)
        March 9, 2006 Notification of acceptance
        April 5, 2006 Final camera-ready paper due (max. 6-page paper)
        April 8, 2006 Pre-registration deadline
        May 22, 2006 Hotel room reservations due
(* We accept both (3-page and 6-page) this year but encourage 6-page submission for the summary paper because that will have more information for the reviewers to judge the paper's quality and hence has better chance to be accepted. We recommend 6-page paper summary by Jan. 31, if possible. Otherwise, please submit at least more than 3 pages, but as many as possible. Once it is accepted, the final camera ready paper requires a max 6-page paper.)


        Hyoil Han (hhan AT      Drexel University, USA
        JungHwan Oh (oh AT The University of Texas at Arlington, USA
        Ari D. Brooks (ari.Brooks AT    Drexel University, College of Medicine, USA


        Beomjin Kim Indiana University – Purdue University Fort Wayne, USA
        SeungJin Lim Utah State University, USA
        Xiaojun Qi Utah State University, USA
        Lawrence Reeve       Drexel University, USA

For further information on this special track, please contact hhan AT