Why do I have a homepage?
Well, a homepage is more like a Garfield stuck on
your windshield some years ago-- when everybody has one; you have to have one
so your car will be considered as a car, a family car (if you
will). But, did your car speedup?
So, it's only a matter like the place for the
Axiom of Choice: With or without the axiom, the mathematics is imperfect. Likewise,
with or without a homepage, the life is imperfect.
Of course, you may assume that
the mathematics and life are perfect, or toiling yourself to make them so; but there is nothing to do with the axiom and
your beautiful and my ugly homepages.
However, a nice thing to believe
in the Axiom of Choice is that the axiom empowers us to arrive the Banach-Tarski theorem and the theorem's application is that:
My head is as big as yours.
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